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Discover how to harness the potential of ChatGPT prompts to create and launch online courses for your business.

Learn from Launch Specialist Angela Yu as she shares tested strategies and best practices on leveraging AI technology to create winning online courses that drive business growth. 

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On Demand Webinar 

Get a complete roadmap to growing your speaking business by creating & selling online courses with Thinkific

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Copyright Thinkific 2023

Copyright Thinkific 2023

Get a complete roadmap to growing your speaking business by creating & selling online courses with Thinkific

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Presented by:

How To Use ChatGPT Prompts To Create and Launch Online Courses For Your Business 

What we'll cover:

Meet your host


The only education platform you’ll ever need.

Manage unique environments with multiple sites to support different products or use cases. 

Multiple Environments

Launch and scale your training programs with the support of a dedicated team behind you. 

Dedicated Customer Success Team

Create seamless user experiences with white-labelling, SSO, CSS, customizability, and open API. 

Advanced customization

Multiple Environments 

 Dedicated CustomerSuccess Team

Advanced Customization

Manage unique environments with multiple sites to support different products or use cases. 

Launch and scale your training programs with the support of a dedicated team behind you. 

Create seamless user experiences with white-labelling, SSO, CSS, customizability, and open API. 

Ian Richardson

“Moving our training online, from the point of view of our school website clients and our team, has completely transformed the business. We have been able to solve massive problems for the schools, and for ourselves.".”

Ian Richardson

“At the heart of it, the goal for Echosec Essentials (Online Learning Academy) is to help our customers use Echosec more effectively/efficiently, for them to be more engaged with our team and with the product, and ultimately, to help them excel in their own projects and jobs."

“We needed a more interactive way to help introduce users to all of our tools, show how other Instagram marketers were using them, and how to apply the strategies in their own businesses. With Thinkific, Later saw a 320% increase in customer retention.”

Grace Tilmont
Echosec Systems

Desiree Evanshen

We use the platform not only to develop our business in terms of what we're able to offer, and now have also partnered with Thinkific to offer building Thinkific Plus environments for clients to integrate on their own websites.”

“At the heart of it, the goal for Echosec Essentials (Online Learning Academy) is to help our customers use Echosec more effectively/efficiently, for them to be more engaged with our team and with the product, and ultimately, to help them excel in their own projects and jobs."

Echosec Systems

"Since launching three and a half years ago, we’ve seen strong yearly growth in terms of students and revenue. Our team continues to reinvest that back into the business, to improve on and create new courses.”

Corporate Finance Institute

What are you waiting for?

Gain instant access

Accelerate your course creation process with the power of ChatGPT prompts. 

Learn how to leverage AI-powered prompts to create a robust and structured outline for your online courses.

Gain practical insights on utilizing ChatGPT to speed up your course creation and launch process. 

Get access to a worksheet filled with AI prompts that will help you create and launch more online courses for your business faster and scale your course library. 

Ready to speed up your course creation process?

Unlimited Admins

Grow unrestricted with unlimited site admins, course admins, and group analysts.

Gain instant access

We'll cover the best practices and need-to-know steps that will set you on the best path to building a successful customer education strategy with Thinkific Plus.

Start scaling your online course library today.

Join us live this upcoming Monday to: 

In this webinar, you will learn how to make effective use of AI technology to speed up your course creation process and access a worksheet full of AI prompts that will equip you to create and launch winning online courses for your business. 

Angela Yu

Launch Specialist, Thinkific Plus

1-Hour Workshop with Worksheet and Q&A

Having helped dozens of clients execute successful launches for their online courses and academies, Angela has seen firsthand how online academies can help drive growth for businesses.

Join Angela as she guides you through the process of using ChatGPT prompts to create and launch winning online courses.  🚀

Dedicated Customer 

Grow unrestricted with unlimited site admins, course admins, and group analysts.

Unlimited Admins

Launch and scale your training programs with the support of a dedicated team behind you.

Success Team

What is Thinkific Plus? 

What are you waiting for?

The only education platform you'll ever need. 

Register now to start scaling your online course library today.

Copyright Thinkific 2023.